With General Classroom Enrichment/Course Enrichment, students are offered opportunities to go beyond the core curriculum to explore related topics.
For each school, the options for enrichment are listed below.
Council Rock Primary School
- Classroom teachers design enriching lessons for all students and might use enrichment as a differentiation strategy for advanced learners.
- Extended studies teacher visits each kindergarten, first, and second grade class on a regular basis to deliver enrichment lessons. Lessons complement topics of current study in the classroom and promote habits of mind, creativity, and problem-solving.
Entrance Criteria: n/a
Exit Criteria: n/a
Contact Person: Andrea Yawman, Extended Studies Services teacher; classroom teacher
French Road Elementary School
- Classroom teachers design enriching lessons for all students and might use enrichment as a differentiation strategy for advanced learne
- By teacher request, the extended studies teacher can visit a classroom to deliver an enrichment lesson.
Entrance Criteria: n/a
Exit Criteria: n/a
Contact Person: Katie Covert, Extended Studies Services teacher; classroom teacher
Twelve Corners Middle School
- Classroom teachers design enriching lessons for all students and might use enrichment as a differentiation strategy for advanced learners.
- By teacher request, the extended studies teacher can design an enrichment lesson to be used in classrooms.
Entrance Criteria: n/a
Exit Criteria: n/a
Contact Person: Christine Coyle, Extended Studies Services teacher; classroom teacher
Brighton High School
- Honors Sections of Academic Coursework
- Entrance Criteria: Available to students based on demonstrated need and interest
Exit Criteria: In consultation with student, parent, teacher, and counselor
Contact Person: Classroom teacher(s) and counselor